Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Surgeons
These surgeons are some of the most talented minimally invasive operators well versed in mitral valve repair and replacement. They have proven record and represent the tip of the spear in minimally invasive cardiac surgery. These surgeons have not paid to be mentioned in this website. Their presence in the website if based on the high number of minimally invasive mitral valve operations with excellent outcomes as reported by the Society of Thoracic Surgeons ( Although not a comprehensive list of surgeons, this list is alive and keeps growing. There are many Canadian, European and Asian minimally invasive mitral valve surgeons that routinely perform complex mitral valve surgery.
The Endoscopic Cardiac Surgery Club was founded by Dr. Patrick Perier to bring together like-minded surgeons who perform minimally invasive cardiac surgery with an endoscopic approach. This group of surgeons, much like the group listed for the United States, performs frequently challenging valve operations minimally invasive.
Minimally invasive mitral valve surgeons around the United States by State
Miami, Florida
Joseph Lamelas, MD
Dr. Lamelas is a pioneer in minimally invasive mitral valve surgery and all forms of minimally invasive cardiac surgery. He is the Chairman of Cardiac Surgery at the University of Miami.
Saint Louis, Missouri
Ralph J.Damiano, MD
Dr. Damiano is the Evarts A. Graham Professor, Surgery
Chief, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Washington University School of Medicine in Saint Louis/Barnes-Jewish Hospital.
San Francisco, CAlifornia
Tobias Deuse, M.D.
Dr. Deuse is Professor & Interim Chief
Division of Adult Cardiothoracic Surgery
The Julien I.E. Hoffman, M.D. Endowed Chair in Cardiac Surgery
Director, Minimally-invasive Cardiac Surgery
Surgical Director, Transcatheter Valve Program at the University of California San Francisco.
Charlottsville, Virginia
Gorav Ailawadi, MD
Dr. Ailawadi is Chair of the Department of Cardiac Surgery and co-director of the Frankel Cardiovascular Center and Professor of cardiac surgery.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Rochus Voeller, MD
Dr. Voeller is the director of minimally invasive heart surgery at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis/Saint Paul.
Wynnewood, Pensylvannia
SCott Goldman, md
Dr. Goldman is a cardiac surgeon at Lankenau Hospital with extensive experience with treatment of valvular heart disease. Pioneer in minimally invasive and trans catheter therapies. He is system Chair, Department of Surgery, Main Line Health and Clinical Professor of Surgery, Jefferson Medical College
New Brunswick, New jersey
Leonard Y. Lee, M.D.
Dr. Lee is a cardiothoracic surgeon with expertise in minimally invasive mitral valve surgery. He serves as the James W. Mackenzie, M.D. Professor and Chair for the Department of Surgery at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.
Houston, Texas
Tom Nguyen, MD
Dr. Nguyen specializes in minimally invasive valve surgery, complex adult cardiac surgery, and mitral repair. He is the Chief of the Division of Adult Cardiothoracic and Charles Schwab Distinguished Professor of Surgery in the Department of Surgery at the University of California, San Francisco.
Cleveland, Ohio
Marc Gillinov, MD
Dr. Gillinov is the Chair of the Department of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic. He is an expert in minimally invasive mitral valve repair and replacement.
Edgewood Kentucky/ Cincinnati, Ohio
Mario Castillo-Sang,MD
Dr. Castillo-Sang is director of mitral valve and heart failure surgical therapies at Saint Elizabeth Healthcare in Edgewood, Kentucky. He specializes in minimally invasive mitral valve surgery with complex valve repair and advanced heart failure surgery.
Charleston, SC
SCott Ross, MD
Dr. Ross is Director of the Structural Heart Program at Roper Saint Francis Hospital in downtown Charleston, SC. He specializes in minimally invasive valve surgery and mitral valve repair. His program is the longest standing minimally invasive heart surgery program in South Carolina.
Hackensack, New Jersey
Mark B. Anderson, MD
Dr. Anderson is a minimally invasive mitral valve surgeon in Hackensack, New Jersey with interests in the surgical management of heart failure and mechanical circulatory support, minimally invasive and robotic heart surgery as well as heart valve replacement and repair.
Rochester, New York
Peter A. Knight, MD
Dr. Knight is a minimally invasive mitral valve surgeon and is the Marjorie B. Morris Endowed Professor in Cardiac Surgery at the University of Rochester in New York.
Cleveland, Ohio
Joseph F. Sabik III, MD
Dr. Sabik is an expert minimally invasive mitral valve surgeon in Cleveland, Ohio. He is the University Hospital Cleveland Medical Center Vice President for Surgical Operations and Chairman of the Department of Surgery.
Durham, NC
Donald D. Glower Jr., MD
Dr. Glower is Professor of Surgery at Duke University Medical Center in Durham North Carolina. He is an expert in minimally invasive mitral valve surgery including mitral valve repair.
Stanford, CA
Joseph Woo, md
Dr. Woo is the Norman E. Shumway Professor and Chair, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Stanford University School of Medicine. He is an expert minimally invasive mitral valve surgeon who specializes in mitral valve repair.
Indianapolis, IN
Marc W. Gerdisch, MD
Dr. Gerdisch is Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Franciscan Health in Indianapolis and specializes in minimally invasive valve surgery. Dr. Gerdisch has expertise in valve repair and complex multi-valve and redo cardiac surgery. In addition, he has developed a comprehensive program for rapid recovery following heart surgery.